Notarized translations

Notarized translations are performed by a translator certified by the Romanian Ministry of Justice, and recognized by the notary office where the notarization is carried out. Furthermore, each translation must contain the copy of the translated document, the certified translation, and the notary certification.

Do you need a notarized translation? Gain some time! Our team of experts will evaluate your documents for free and will propose a complete notary services solution. Additionally, we also offer interpretation or translation services in specific fields. Contact us for any translation and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Details about notarized translations and certified translations

Notarized translations are performed by a translator certified by the Romanian Ministry of Justice and recognized by the notary office where the notarization is carried out. Furthermore, each translation must contain the copy of the translated document, the certified translation, and the notary certification.

This set of documents is presented to the notary public together with the original translated document.


Certified translations are those bearing the signature and stamp of a certified translator.

In order to translate official and personal documents, it is necessary not only to know the target language perfectly, but also to know the legal system of the particular country, and the pre-established model that the certified translator must follow while performing the particular certified translation.

Our certified translators have translated all kinds of official and personal documents into/from over 30 foreign languages. Therefore, when seeking out the services of Babylon Consult, you never risk your translation being refused, or realizing in the end that the standards of quality have not been met.

The linguistic range of certified and notarized translations performed by Babylon Consult

The linguistic range of certified and notarized translations performed by Babylon Consult covers over 30 languages, including their combinations:

For more information about our prices for legalizing diplomas or other documents, we invite you to contact us!


A notarized translation is performed by a translator authorized by the Romanian Ministry of Justice and recognized by the notary office where the notarization is made. Moreover, each notarized translation must contain the copy of the translated document, the notarized translation and the certification of the translator’s signature.

Our office deals with the whole process: translation, preparation of documents for notarization, notarization by the notary office.

A certified translation is a translation made by a translator authorized by the Ministry of Justice. The document is certified by the translator’s signature and stamp applied on it. Certified translations are not notarized authenticated translations. A notarized translation is a translation made by a translator authorized by the Ministry of Justice, whose signature is, through the notarization process, certified by a notary office.

For a specific set of documents, a notarized translation can be done without presenting the original document.

For a firm offer please send us the scanned document to the email address [email protected].

In Bucharest the delivery is free of charge, in the areas outside Bucharest there is a courier fee.

For a deadline, please send us the scanned document to the email address [email protected]. Our team of coordinators will analyze the document and give you a firm answer.

Your presence is not required, we will handle the whole process: translation, document preparation, notarization at the notary office.

A certified translation is a translation made by a translator authorized by the Ministry of Justice. The document is certified by the translator’s signature and stamp applied on it. Certified translations are not notarized authenticated translations.

The notarial fees from the notarized translation are not added to the certified translations.

We do not need the original document for a certified translation.

For a deadline, please send us the scanned document to the email address [email protected]; a certified translation takes less than a notarized translation. Our team of coordinators will analyze the document and give you a firm answer.

The certified translation can be scanned and sent by email.

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